Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find your question answers.

What do I need to begin?

To start with SynchroDesk, send us an email at info[at] This information will let us understand your business and offering(s), as well as the campaign you’re looking to conduct. If needed, we can schedule an onboarding call or a copywriting and content call. Our expert marketing team will write or review your offer in the email template, and we will send you back an email draft to be approved by you. Once we have your go-ahead, we’ll choose the start date and you can watch in almost real-time through your dashboard the progress and new leads that are being generated.

How many companies can I reach through SynchroDesk?

Our database contains more than 61 million curated business email addresses of decision makers at companies in the United States. These can be filtered by industry type, company size, location, job titles, and more.

How current is the information in your database?

Data is regularly culled from our lists every 48 or so hours. Every message sent that receives a return ping from the server is answered, and every invalid email (e.g. someone leaving a company) is flagged for removal. This helps keep the hard bounce rate to a minimum as well. In addition, we have new sources and leads we collect on a regular basis as well including new hires, new incorporations and much more. We use data validators from well-respected companies such as Dunn & Bradstreet and governmental lists as well as our own marketing efforts.

Do I have to write the offer or content of the email?

Our marketing team specializes in effective, results-getting email copywriting, and will work with you on content creation appropriate for your offerings. You always have full approval and final say for all communications going out. You can also halt an ongoing campaign at any time, tweak it, and re-start it.

What is your "A/B Testing" feature?

When you want to test various versions of a campaign and run them simultaneously to see which message, offer, or content performs better, you can conduct A/B testing with multiple campaigns. This allows you to fine-tune better performing campaigns to continue to improve success rates.

What is “Drip Marketing”?

Often called drip campaigns but known by many other names—drip marketing, automated email campaign, lifecycle emails, autoresponders and marketing automation—the concept is the same: they're a set of marketing emails that will be sent out automatically on a schedule. For example, an effective campaign may set up a series of emails to reach people and escalate a message, effectively “dripping” your marketing on them. You may choose to send out a second email message a week after the first, then another two weeks later, and a third a month later, and so on. This automated scheduling allows you to create impressions on the recipients to drive home the branding and messaging.

What are the “Steps” and “Rules”?

When you create a drip campaign, you may want to create “if > then” rules among a multi-tiered layer of steps. For example, if your first email contains a call to action, and the recipient clicks on the link, you may want to send one follow-up email message. If a user in the same campaign doesn’t open or click on anything, you may want to send them a completely different message. You can create as many steps and rules for these as you need.

Can you customize emails?

Yes, and today’s customers are expecting more personalization on emails in their inbox. Your email template can use tokens such as first name, last name, title, and other qualifying information that is known about the recipient.

Will my campaigns reach new contacts each month? Or the same ones over and over?

SynchroDesk sends to new contacts each month on your subscription plan, depending on the size of your targeted recipient list. For example if we identify 100,000 business decision makers in a specific geographic area, and your subscription calls for us to send 20,000 emails per month, it would take approximately 5 months to cycle through this campaign. At the end of that time period, we would work with you to create a new email message to those users to avoid sending any duplicates.

All user unsubscribe requests are flagged immediately and removed usually immediately, but well within the mandated 10-day period of removal time, so anyone who requests to be removed from the campaign will be permanently removed.

What information is provided with the generated leads?

Depending on the subscription plan there is an Advanced Reporting feature enabled. On the basic reporting, we provide the contact’s first and last name, their email and company or business name. With the more advanced subscriptions, the Advanced Reporting you will receive the contact’s first and last name, company or business name, business website, business address, corporate phone number, number of clicks and opens per lead, level reached if you run a drip campaign, and a detailed report on the CTAs – product or service clicks and opens.

Can multiple campaigns run simultaneously?

Yes, the multiple campaign feature is included with the advanced subscription plans. This means that you will be able to run multiple campaigns simultaneously and track them separately. Please note that this is different than A/B Testing, where you compare two versions of the same basic content to see which one performs better.

Can I track which products/service that the leads want?

Yes, this feature is included in our subscriptions plans that have the Advanced Reporting feature enabled.

What is Advanced Reporting?

When Advanced Reporting is enabled with your subscription, you receive detailed information on every lead generated. Each lead will contain the contact’s first and last name, company or business name, business website, business address, corporate phone number, number of clicks and opens per lead, level reached if you run a drip campaign, and a detailed report on the CTAs – product or service clicks and opens.

What is included in the Advanced Dashboard?

When enabled, you get detail overview on clicks/opens and can view top 10 leads, top 10 campaigns, top 10 templates, top 10 links.

Does the email come from me or my company, or from SynchroDesk?

We will set you up with or help you set-up a sub-domain in order to send out the targeted emails. Doing this ensures that your main domain will not be on any black-list, yet will still retain the branding associated to your company. Our servers do the sending using your sub-domain, such as

What types of oversight and analytics will I have?

Once your account has been setup and your email campaigns are approved you will have access to a full dashboard where you can monitor in almost real-time the number of emails sent, emails opened, and even which links in the emails were clicked. You will get – depending on which level of subscription you have – information on the leads who are interested in your offerings and their contact information to follow up with them as a now warmed up sales lead. This information can include their name and email, title, company name, company location, company phone, company size, industries, and more.

Can you target businesses and decision makers in a specific location?

Yes, we can hyper geo-target by location, whether you want to focus on a particular area, zip code radius, state, or region. Your emails can target businesses by zip code, a set-mile radius from a specific location, city, state, county, region, or nationwide. Keep In mind that the narrowly targeted you get, the smaller your availability list may become.

What is a typical response rate on these email campaigns?

Results will vary depending on the content, appeal, and specificity of the offer to the targeted recipient. Based on our cumulative data, between 9-12% of emails sent are opened by the recipient. And of those that open the email, an average of 10% (1% overall with a standard deviation of 0.5%) usually click on a link in the email. You can track by email campaign, as well as by specific links inside your email, such as a product, webinar, event or other type of link.

There are many studies by big data companies and marketing research firms where you can learn more about typical ROI using email marketing. We would be happy to supply current reports to you upon request.

Can I reach B2C consumer audiences?

We focus on business email lists, but we have successfully worked with B2C products and services such as events.

Can you guarantee inbox placement?

We follow all CAN SPAM regulations and requirements and work with the top tier marketing partners in the world such as MailChimp, SendGrid, Vertical Response and others. Our system automatically removes email and contact information from anyone requesting to be removed from a campaign. In addition, we have many algorithms and rules built into our system to ensure that we are not loading up on any company, server, or location in order not to be considered spamming.

Can I include my own email list as well?

The data in our database has been verified multiple times to confirm dependability and maintain a low percentage of “hard bounces”. If you already have a quality customer list, we can incorporate it into your target recipients.

Do you send all the emails out at once, or are they spread out?

Emails are sent out regularly and targets prime open-rate hours and days of the week to help maximize inbox placement. Staggering them also enables your customer support and sales teams to more efficiently and responsively manage incoming leads and orders.

Why is email marketing a cost effective marketing tool?

Ad platforms are controlled by a profit-making entity such as AdRoll, Google, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn. They make money by charging for limited targeted ad space to the highest bidders. This can drive popular keywords beyond the reach of many. Email remains decentralized, and a one-to-one private transaction without a dominating entity controlling who sees what content, thus no market forces to drive prices up.

What kind of email messages work best?

Our historical data shows that friendly, relatively short, plain text emails have the highest success rates in B2B campaigns where you are targeting busy business decision makers. Of course we avoid all trigger words and spam flags, such as “free” and all caps etc. Further tokenizing your messaging to add personalization increases response and open rates. Depending on your offer, message, and goals, these messages want to come across as though your sales or marketing staff is typing each one out individually, personally. We will work with you to develop the best messaging to meet your goals.

Can I geo-target potential leads in my area?

Yes; SynchroDesk provides geo-location targeting based on a zip code and a radius from that location. You can then target any businesses in that area.

What are Real-time Notifications?

It’s been proven by many research firms and papers that the sooner you connect to a potential lead, the chances of converting their interest into a sale is much higher. The first 15 minutes someone shows interest can often yield 90% better results, while the inverse remains true as well in that the longer you wait, the colder the lead becomes. Our system is designed to notify your Sales team when someone click on your links under that 15 minute threshold. No one else provides this service.

Why would I use a Dedicated IP?

A dedicated IP can improve the delivery of emails, and therefore you can acquire more leads for the same amount of emails sent. Some email servers will reject emails if there is no proper Reverse DNS associated with the domain of the email from which it’s sent. We are the experts, so not to worry; we will set this up for you and manage the technical steps to improve the amount of leads generated.

What is DKIM?

When an email is sent, in order for an email server to be sure it’s coming from you, some email servers will verify the signature of the email to see whether it matches the DNS settings of the owner of that domain. It helps reduce spam and increases reputation. We will set this up for you and manage the technical steps.

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